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  • Tags: Woodland
This building has since been demolished.
From a booklet entitled 'Views of Hebden Bridge & District', undated but believed to be around 1900.
From a booklet entitled 'Views of Hebden Bridge & District', undated but believed to be around 1900.
From a booklet entitled 'Views of Hebden Bridge & District' which is undated bur believed to be around 1900's.
From 'Views of Hebden Bridge & District'. Believed to be around 1880's.
From a booklet "Views of Hebden Bridge & District'. Believed to be around 1900's.
From a booklet entitled 'Views of Hebden Bridge & District', undated but believed to be around 1900.
From a booklet entitled 'Views of Hebden Bridge & District', undated but believed to be around 1900.
Originally Hawden Hole it was developed after the First World War for camping and tea rooms. The white building has long been demolished and the other building extended and re-named Hawden Hall.
This photograph is taken from stepping stones half way up the valley side, and the view today (2000) is almost identical. Photo taken in Callis Wood, Erringden by Thomas Morgan. Ref: 005 Morgan Lit & Sci.
A sculpture trail was held in the Crags every other year from 1996 to 2005.
Viewed from Keighley Road over the north light roof of Hebden Works, now partly demolished. To the right above the north lights is part of Hangingroyd Mill and In the top centre Moss Lane climbing the hill.
Rear of Oldfield Watson's yard on the left, Crossley Mill Terrace and Machpelah beyond. The buildings on the canal bank up to the old chimney were all demolished in 1984 to make way for the new Marina. The chimney remains by the boiler house itself…
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