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Title: Ewood Court Farmhouse, 1 and 2 Midgley Road, Mytholmroyd - CBC00883

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Ewood Court Farmhouse, 1 and 2 Midgley Road, Mytholmroyd - CBC00883


Grade II

Barn dated 1884 converted to form 2 dwellings. Coursed rubble base, dressed stone with raised ashlar dressings. 2½ storeys. L-shaped. East elevation has central semi-circular arched cart entry with rusticated voussoirs now blocked to form 2 doorways for dwellings. Over is 6-light mullioned and transomed window with to either side circular windows with 4 keystones. Tudor arched doorway to right. To left is single storey range breaking forward with 2 carriage entries with monolithic lintels carried on cyma moulded corbels and Tudor arched doorway with single light to right and 2-light window to left. Left hand return wall has 4 single lights to single storey range. Barn gable has 3 bays of inserted flat faced mullioned windows to both floors, in keeping. Apex has keyed oeil de boeuf flanked by vent slits and a tablet within a moulded trefoil above inscribed "T R" . This gable end skew with extension following 1 8 8 4 the curve of the road. Raised eaves band with moulded gutter brackets. Coped gables with kneelers. Original stack to single storey extension has modillion capping. Other modern stacks to barn. Listed for group value only.

NGR SE 02226 26439

Historic England List Entry Number 1229872

CMBC Ref HR 2/191




PHDA - Calderdale MBC


Pennine Horizons Digital Archive




“Ewood Court Farmhouse, 1 and 2 Midgley Road, Mytholmroyd - CBC00883,” Pennine Horizons Digital Archive, accessed July 27, 2024, https://penninehorizons.org/items/show/36192.

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