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  • Date contains "1900s"
Slide 4 - On the left abutting on the house on the north front, is a range of massive outbuildings - one of these has a battlemented parapet and was the family's private Chapel, the entrance to which was approached on the east side by a flight of…
Slide 5 - In arrangement Riddlesden Hall differs materially from the conventional mansions of its period, and must have been erected by a person of considerable taste and opulance.

The interior displays much richness in its completeness and…
Slide 1: Esholt Hall, like several other houses of its class in Yorkshire, occupies the site on which stood an ancient monastic establishment. The situation of Esholt lies snugly amid leafy surroundings, and is well sheltered from the north by a…
Slide 2: The Hall, above mentioned, has been the home of the Stansfield family since 1775 when Sir Walter Calverley sold the estate to Robert Stansfield. It is now the property of the Bradford Corporation who purchased the whole estate comprising…
Slide 3: The grounds around the Hall are beautifully kept and contain a large variety of choice trees and plants.
Slide 4 - The Aire, which makes a bend in front of the Hall, was in pre-mercantile days especially famous for the size and quality of its fish, and fine sport was obtainable in the river bordering Esholt Park.
Slide 1 - Farnhill Hall is charmingly situate on a round knoll, 480 feet above sea level, about half a mile from Kildwick, and commanding extensive and beautiful views of the landscape in every direction.

Farnhill Hall is a castellated fortified…
Slide 2 - The Principal entrance fronts to the north, and it is protected by an overhanging chamber, heavily corbelled, and exceedingly picturesque. There is a secret entrance to this chamber from which an outlook was obtained in troublous times.
Slide 1 - Leaving Otley, which is situated under the famed Chevin, and passing over the stone bridge of seven arches which crosses the Wharfe and then taking the road to our right, we shortly reach the Lodge at the entrance to the Farnley domains,…
Slide 2 - Leaving the woodland path, the avenue is reached leading to the house, the tall trees overarching the roadway down which we pass.
Slide 3 - Taking our stand on the gravelled terrace in front of the Hall, we cannot fail to admire the appearance of this fine Elizabethan mansion.

The Hall consists of two houses, the old and the new. The view shows the older or Elizabethan…
Slide 4 - Our next picture shows the fine ivy covered entrance porch up to the older or Elizabethan portion of the house.
Slide 5 - Another interesting porch leading into the house from the gardens bears the date 1624, and came from Newhall, in the parish of Otley.
Slide 6 - On the west side, facing the flower garden, is an old building with gables and mullioned windows exhibiting the Tudor features of the older portion of the house .

In front of this is a stone table supported on pillars. On top is a brass…
Slide 7 - There is some very fine old oak furniture, also a chimney piece with a quaint over mantle of oak. Among a mass of historical relics preserved here may be mentioned the hat, and sword used by Cromwell, a watch that also belonged to the…
Slide 8 - Much of the furniture has come down from earlier ages when chairs were polished with elbow grease instead of patent furniture paste, and the plain oak was left to darken and glow with time.

Farnley contains an almost unique collection of…
Slide 9 - The gardens at Farnley Hall are very beautiful especially in spring-time, at which time the accompanying photograph was taken. The tall tree on the left is a weeping lime, which I was informed by the head gardener is the finest and best…
Slide 10 - For nothing is Farnley Hall famed more than for it
Slide 1 - The village of Gilling, nestling by a brook's side at the foot of woody slopes, is very picturesque. Immediately opposite the Church is the Entrance lodge and gates of Gilling Castle.

Entering through these we pass along a carriage drive…
Slide 2 - The situation of Gilling, perched on a woody promontory in a large park, is more romantic than that of most English castles. In a military sense it was never used for a depot or a garrison, but rather a fortified outpost. The Lordship of…
Slide 3 - There was an Ivo-de-Etton who exercised his rights as Lord of the Manor of Gilling in 1290. His son Thomas succeeded him, and a daughter Elizabeth, married Thomas Fairfax of Walton. Gilling continued in the family of Fairfax until the death…
Slide 4 - In 1894, Gilling Castle and Estate were again on the market, and then fortunately it came in to the hands of Mr W. S. Hunter, the recent owner, whose careful, thorough and adequate treatment of the additions and renovations have been fully…
Slide 5 - Our next slide shows the south side of the Castle in its entirety, from one of the terrace walks. With the exception of the Keep, and some other portions, the house was re-modelled to conform to the prevailing Classic taste by Sir John…
Slide 6 - Entering the house by the door in the west wing we are shown into the Entrance Hall, or Gallery, which was added, as stated, the 18th century by Vanbrugh.

It conforms in all its details to the severely classic style prevailing at that…
Slide 7 - But the great feature of the Tudor building at Gilling is the Great Chamber or present Dining room, which was made by Sir William Fairfax during Elizabeth's reign. Probably there is nothing more complete in original design and workmanship…
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