Browse Items (683 total)

  • Collection: CMBC Listed Buildings - Hebden Royd
Grade II*

House, late C16. Large dressed stone, stone slate roof. 2 storeys, 3-room front with F-plan, with projecting 2-storey porch and cross-wing all with coped gables with kneelers with a 3rd gable set between over the housebody. 4 linear…
Grade II*

House, late C16. Large dressed stone, stone slate roof. 2 storeys, 3-room front with F-plan, with projecting 2-storey porch and cross-wing all with coped gables with kneelers with a 3rd gable set between over the housebody. 4 linear…
Grade II*

House, late C16. Large dressed stone, stone slate roof. 2 storeys, 3-room front with F-plan, with projecting 2-storey porch and cross-wing all with coped gables with kneelers with a 3rd gable set between over the housebody. 4 linear…
Grade II*

House, late C16. Large dressed stone, stone slate roof. 2 storeys, 3-room front with F-plan, with projecting 2-storey porch and cross-wing all with coped gables with kneelers with a 3rd gable set between over the housebody. 4 linear…
Grade II

Mill, now occupied by joiners and cabinet makers. Probably late C18. Hammer- dressed stone, slate roof. 3½ storeys. 9 bays of windows with plain stone surrounds with slightly projecting sills to each floor. 7th bay has taking-in door to…
Grade II

Mill, now occupied by joiners and cabinet makers. Probably late C18. Hammer- dressed stone, slate roof. 3½ storeys. 9 bays of windows with plain stone surrounds with slightly projecting sills to each floor. 7th bay has taking-in door to…
Grade II

Barn, now converted to form 2 dwellings. Dressed stone, tile roof. Initialled and dated "T R". Most of the decorative features are on the east gable which 1 8 6 5 has rusticated quoins, elliptical arched cart entry has rusticated surround…
Grade II

Pair of cottages now forming one dwelling. Dated 1826. Hammer dressed stone, stone slate roof. 2 storeys. 2 cells each having doorway with tie stone jambs, (that to right blocked to form window), and 4-light flat faced mullioned window…
Grade II

Pair of cottages now forming one dwelling. Dated 1826. Hammer dressed stone, stone slate roof. 2 storeys. 2 cells each having doorway with tie stone jambs, (that to right blocked to form window), and 4-light flat faced mullioned window…
Grade II

Pair of cottages now forming one dwelling. Dated 1826. Hammer dressed stone, stone slate roof. 2 storeys. 2 cells each having doorway with tie stone jambs, (that to right blocked to form window), and 4-light flat faced mullioned window…
Grade II

House of mid C17 raised to 2 storeys mid C18. Hammer dressed stone, stone slate roof. 2 cells. Quoins. Doorway with monolithic jambs has stop chamfered surround. Double chamfered mullioned window of 5 lights, doorway with monolithic jambs…
Grade II

House, dated 1617. Large dressed stone, stone slate roof. Two storeys. F-shaped plan, five divisions. First two formed by broad double-pile wing with two front gables and two-span roof. Plinth, cavetto moulded string course continues over…
Grade II

House, dated 1617. Large dressed stone, stone slate roof. Two storeys. F-shaped plan, five divisions. First two formed by broad double-pile wing with two front gables and two-span roof. Plinth, cavetto moulded string course continues over…
Grade II

House, dated 1617. Large dressed stone, stone slate roof. Two storeys. F-shaped plan, five divisions. First two formed by broad double-pile wing with two front gables and two-span roof. Plinth, cavetto moulded string course continues over…
Grade II

House, dated 1617. Large dressed stone, stone slate roof. Two storeys. F-shaped plan, five divisions. First two formed by broad double-pile wing with two front gables and two-span roof. Plinth, cavetto moulded string course continues over…
Grade II*

Packhorse bridge, c.1510. Has plaques recording repairs of 1600, 1602 and 1657. The parapet repaired in 1845 and raised in 1890. Large dressed stone. 3 segmental arches the voussoirs chamfered with 2 pointed breakwaters rising the full…
Grade II*

Packhorse bridge, c.1510. Has plaques recording repairs of 1600, 1602 and 1657. The parapet repaired in 1845 and raised in 1890. Large dressed stone. 3 segmental arches the voussoirs chamfered with 2 pointed breakwaters rising the full…
Grade II*

Packhorse bridge, c.1510. Has plaques recording repairs of 1600, 1602 and 1657. The parapet repaired in 1845 and raised in 1890. Large dressed stone. 3 segmental arches the voussoirs chamfered with 2 pointed breakwaters rising the full…
Grade II*

Packhorse bridge, c.1510. Has plaques recording repairs of 1600, 1602 and 1657. The parapet repaired in 1845 and raised in 1890. Large dressed stone. 3 segmental arches the voussoirs chamfered with 2 pointed breakwaters rising the full…
Grade II*

Packhorse bridge, c.1510. Has plaques recording repairs of 1600, 1602 and 1657. The parapet repaired in 1845 and raised in 1890. Large dressed stone. 3 segmental arches the voussoirs chamfered with 2 pointed breakwaters rising the full…
Grade II

Mill, early to mid C19. Hammer dressed stone, slate roof. 5 storeys, double- pile with 2-span roof with north tower which rises 3 storeys higher than mill. Projecting band between each floor continues round tower. 20 bays of windows to…
Grade II

Row of cottages now forms 3 dwellings to south front which is 4 storeys and 5 dwellings to rear which are 2-storey over-dwellings. c.1800. Thin coursed stone, stone slate roof. 5 bays, each bay having a flat faced mullioned window of 3…
Grade II

Row of cottages now forms 3 dwellings to south front which is 4 storeys and 5 dwellings to rear which are 2-storey over-dwellings. c.1800. Thin coursed stone, stone slate roof. 5 bays, each bay having a flat faced mullioned window of 3…
Grade II

House, converted to cottages now returned to single occupations. Early C19. Dressed stone, slate roof. 2 storeys. Double pile 3-bay symmetrical facade. Rusticated quoins; doorway with monolithic jambs has rectangular fanlight and 6-panelled…
Grade II

House, converted to cottages now returned to single occupations. Early C19. Dressed stone, slate roof. 2 storeys. Double pile 3-bay symmetrical facade. Rusticated quoins; doorway with monolithic jambs has rectangular fanlight and 6-panelled…
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