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Title: Stonebooth Farmhouse and Cottage, Haworth Old Road - CBC01318

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Stonebooth Farmhouse and Cottage, Haworth Old Road - CBC01318


WADSWORTH C.P. HAWORTH OLD ROAD Crimsworth Dean, Stone Booth Farmhouse and Stone Booth Cottage (formerly listed as Stone Booth now 2 dwellings).

Grade II
House now in 2 occupations. Late C16 single storey with added rear kitchen wing and porch c.1700, 2 cells raised to 2 storeys c.1800. Large dressed stone, stone slate roof. Altered 6-light window with cavetto surround. Porch breaks forward with lean-to roof. Shaped lintel with 3 semi-circles and chamfered surround. Inner door has Tudor arched lintel and broad chamfered surround. Former 6-light window with chamfered surround. All other windows are flat faced mullioned of 4 lights, doorway with tie-stone jamb. Left hand return wall has 2-light cavetto chamfered mullioned window with same over to garret. Rear has 2-light window with cavetto surround, one over to 1st floor has plain chamfer. Change in stonework to watershot masonry when cellar was inserted lit by 2- light window. 4-light chamfered window with 2-light window over to left of kitchen wing which breaks forward at right angles which has watershot gable with coping carried under well dressed stack with cyma moulded cornice. Right hand return wall of wing has altered 4-light window with 3-light window over. Right hand return wall has original 2-light cavetto chamfered mullioned window to 1st floor. Gable surmounted by St. Andrews cross finial on octagonal shaft. Interior: Fireplace with wide segmental arched lintel with cyma moulded surround. Tudor arched doorway to rear kitchen. Beehive oven to left of main entrance. One room retains 8 beams the size of spine beams used as floor joists with channelled groove to centre. One room has segmental arched fireplace on corbelled jambs. C.F. Stell, p.300.

NGR: SD9936631525
English Heritage Listing No: 1265490
CMBC Ref: W 202




Pennine Horizons Digital Archive




“Stonebooth Farmhouse and Cottage, Haworth Old Road - CBC01318,” Pennine Horizons Digital Archive, accessed June 13, 2024, https://penninehorizons.org/items/show/35245.

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