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Title: Purprise Farmhouse, Purprise Lane, Wadsworth - CBC01374

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Purprise Farmhouse, Purprise Lane, Wadsworth - CBC01374


Grade II

House late C17, attached to rear of Lower Purprice (q.v.) with which it originally formed a single dwelling. Hammer-dressed stone, stone slate roof. 2 storeys. 3-room plan originally with rear baffle entry; one cell is demolished but part of wall with 4-light double chamfered mullioned window survives. 6-light window to left with lowered sill altered to 3 lights with new mullions; 6-light window (lacks 2 mullions). 1st floor has 2 chamfered mullioned windows of 4 lights each lacking 2 mullions. Quoins to left hand return wall only which has coped gable with kneelers and stack. One other stack to ridge. Rear has fine Tudor arched doorway with moulded surround and sunken spandrels near to junction with Lower Purprice. Interior: Door enters against heck screen formed by large dressed stones. Division wall between 2 rooms formed by single-skin ashlar blocks which splays out to carry double depth wall and spine beams.

NGR: SD 99137 29915
Historic England Listing No: 1227393
CMBC Ref: HR 252




Pennine Horizons Digital Archive




“Purprise Farmhouse, Purprise Lane, Wadsworth - CBC01374,” Pennine Horizons Digital Archive, accessed June 26, 2024, https://penninehorizons.org/items/show/35300.

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