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  • Date contains "1900s"
Slide 13 - The Ballroom in the North West wing of the House is another fine apartment. The furniture, as will be noticed, is of a costly character.

Note the light and elegantly designed lamp hung from the centre of the ceiling. The chimney piece of…
Slide 16 - The Chinese Room is fitted up throughout in the Chinese Fashion. Curious shaped chairs with dragon's heads etc., cabinets filled with bric-a-brac and numerous specimens of rare and curious Chinese ornaments are scattered about the room on…
Slide 8 - A door out of the Saloon leads into the dining room. This is carried out in the Ionic Style throughout .

Over the Chimney piece, which is of white statuary marble, is a sculptured representation of a mythological subject. From the ceiling…
Slide 1 - Some nine miles from the port of Kingston-upon-Hull is the house of Burton Constable, an East riding seat which has never changed ownership by sale or otherwise from the time of William, the Norman, to the present time.

It is situated in…
Slide 11 - The Library, or what is now termed the Long Gallery, is entered from the grand staircase by folding doors. It is a fine apartment extending nearly the whole length of the west front. There are three window recesses of ample size, and these…
Slide 12 - From the ceiling are suspended three separate lamps of elaborate design, formerly used for candles, but now they are fitted up like other parts of the House with electric lights.

It would take up too much of our time to further describe…
Slide 7 - Entering the Mansion by the porch on the east side, we pass through a pair of swing doors, direct into the saloon, a double cube, 60 feet by 30 feet and 30 feet high. Over the Doric columns of the mantel-piece is a shield of arms, with…
Slide 9 - The house was much altered in the eighteenth century, first by Cuthbert Constable (1719 - 1747) who altered the east front and to whom the long Gallery and the Library in its present condition seems to be due.

The Grand Staircase, or…
Slide 15 - The bedrooms are all in keeping with the splendid apartments already described

In one of the Rooms, called the 'State Room', is a fine 18th century bedstead with a beautifully carved canopy at the top, which is draped in cream and gold…
Slide 2 - The west side, facing the garden, consists of a large central bay, two storeys in height and a projecting wing at each end of the building.

Over the centre bay is a pediment, above which is a trophy of banners, eagles, pikes, halbards and…

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The newly constructed the bridge over the River Calder in 1907. The bridge was opened in 1908 and appeared in the Engineering and Building journal, because it was the one of first pre-cast concrete bridges to be built in this country, as opposed to…
Slide 21 - This is the last slide, there is no caption.

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From Mrs Carol Mosley (nee Astin). Some detail as to the people shown in the photographs might be useful. The four people seated in the 'landau' are my great grandparents on my father's side. On the left are John Astin (then a fustian manufacturer in…
Slide 1 - A walk of some seven miles from Howsham brings us to Castle Howard, the princely seat of the Earl of Carlisle, one of the grandest and richest country seats in England. It contains a noble collection of works of art. The slide shows the…
Slide 10 - At the end of the green terrace walk is a fine Ionic temple with four porticos and pediments, the centre being surmounted with a dome. From the terrace surrounding this building a magnificent view of the park is obtained.
Slide 14 - This shows the same bust in detail. Lord Morpeth, the name by which he was best known, was the most distinguished member of the Carlisle family. He filled many important posts in the cabinet, and was Viceroy of Ireland. On his death in…
Slide 13 - Arriving on the landing on the first floor we observe on the right a cabinet in which is stored a varied and choice collection of china, also a number of marble busts on pedestals, principally of members of the Howard family and their…
Slide 25 - The Grand Hall. Owing to its great height, and being at such close quarters, it is not possible to obtain a photograph showing this apartment in full, so we obtained portions of it in detail, the Spandril between the arches under the dome,…
Slide 26 - The Grand Hall. Owing to its great height, and being at such close quarters, it is not possible to obtain a photograph showing this apartment in full, so we obtained portions of it in detail, the Spandril between the arches under the dome,…
Slide 12 - Entering at the North West door we ascend the staircase opposite thereto, and note the tapestry on the walls to the left. The two marble busts at the head of the stairs are those of Pitt and Wellington.
Slide 3 - The Parterre occupies several acres of lawn on the south side of the Mansion, about which are numerous specimens of statuary, and other adornments. A fountain on this front figures Atlas bearing the globe, surrounded by mermaids and…
Slide 27 - Passing out of the Great Hall through swing doors we enter what is called the Garden Room, a vestibule to the principal entrance from the south. As will be seen, it is a superb apartment, adorned with statuary and paintings, besides…
Slide 6 - The north front has an elaborate centre with cupola, and on either side extensive wings, the east according to the original design, the west of later date and different style.
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