Browse Items (123 total)

  • Collection: Russell Dean Collection
West End, Hebden Bridge. Obviously an exciting event by the number of people watching. Note how many ladies are wearing shawls. From a stereographic photograph.
Can anyone identify? From a stereographic photograph.
Seen here in its original setting and soon after the official unveiling on 2nd July 1922. From a stereographic photograph.
Seen here in its original location, this may well have been soon after the memorial was unveiled on 2nd July 1922. From a stereographic photograph.
Large group of people outside quite a distinctive castellated building. But when and where?
The War Memorial at Smeakin Hill to the 33 men of Wadsworth who lost their lives in the war of 1914 – 1918 was unveiled on 23rd September 1923 by Major Robert H. Barker.
Roughly based on Stoodley Pike, it is an obelisk 41 feet high (Stoodley is 120…
Situated on Smeakin Hill. Built to commemorate those from Wadsworth who wee killed in the First World War, 34 names. Six further names were added after the Second World War
Possibly characters in a Little Theatre production.
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