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The shops on the left of the picture have since been demolished and the area is now a car park, but planted areas being created here are still in use. David Fletcher is pictured wearing a knitted sweater.
Slide 5 - In a slight hollow in the park, a little below the south front, is a sheet of water about eight acres in extent, covered with water lilies and lined along the margin with rushes. From this point, with the lake in the foreground, a good view…
Slide 7 - The west wing of the house is comparatively plain and unpretentious compared with the other portions. It was designed by an architect of the name of Robinson, and is an addition unequal to the original design.
Slide 8 - In the twelve acres of gardens adjoining the mansion stands the cottage occupied by the head gardener. The garden gives some idea of the luxuriance of the vegetation surrounding this 'Arcadia'.
Slide 9 - Another portion of the garden with a walk bordered with various bright-coloured flowers.
Slide 4 - Several fine Cedars of Lebanon are planted alongside of the grass terrace, throwing their branches out and affording a cool shade under them on a hot summer's day.
Slide 6 - The north front has an elaborate centre with cupola, and on either side extensive wings, the east according to the original design, the west of later date and different style.
Slide 3 - The Parterre occupies several acres of lawn on the south side of the Mansion, about which are numerous specimens of statuary, and other adornments. A fountain on this front figures Atlas bearing the globe, surrounded by mermaids and…
Slide 10 - At the end of the green terrace walk is a fine Ionic temple with four porticos and pediments, the centre being surmounted with a dome. From the terrace surrounding this building a magnificent view of the park is obtained.
Slide 1 - Burton Agnes, the ancient seat of the Boyntons, is one of the most beautiful Tudor and Jacobean houses in Yorkshire.

Lying in pleasant country between Driffield and Bridlington, it is surrounded by woodland and standing upon a slight…
Slide 2 - Burton Agnes came to the Boyntons through the marriage of Sir Matthew Boynton of Barmston with the daughter of Sir Henry Griffiths of Burton Agnes.

Sir Francis Boynton of Barmston, son and successor of Sir Matthew Boynton succeeded to…
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