Browse Items (151 total)

  • Tags: Hebden_Bridge
Grade II

House and offices. Dated 1813. Dressed stone, stone slate roof. 2 storeys. Quoins. 4 bays of sashed windows with plain stone surrounds and projecting sills, retaining original,16-paned sashes. 2nd bay has doorway with monolithic jambs…
Grade II

House, late C18 with added barn mid C19. Hammer dressed stone, stone slate roof. 2 storeys. Quoins. 3-room linear plan. 2 bays of 5-light flat faced mullioned windows to each floor. 3rd cell has 5-light chamfered mullioned window with…
Grade II

School, 1878. Pitched faced stone, slate roof. 2 storeys. U-shaped, central hall of 5 bays with flanking projecting wings the left of which projects further than that to the right. Arcade of 5 tall pointed arches with mullioned windows…
Grade II

School, 1878. Pitched faced stone, slate roof. 2 storeys. U-shaped, central hall of 5 bays with flanking projecting wings the left of which projects further than that to the right. Arcade of 5 tall pointed arches with mullioned windows…
Grade II

Bridge, dated on keystone 1851. Rock faced stone. 2-span segmental arches carried on bullnosed and chamfered breakwaters. Band and parapet. Bank supported by angled buttresses which slope down to waters edge with copings terminating in…
Grade II

Bridge, dated on keystone 1851. Rock faced stone. 2-span segmental arches carried on bullnosed and chamfered breakwaters. Band and parapet. Bank supported by angled buttresses which slope down to waters edge with copings terminating in…
Grade II

Bridge, 1771/1772 to carry the new turnpike road from Todmorden to Halifax to south west with mid C19 bridge abutting to north east with renewed parapets of that date. 2-spam segmental arches. Oldest portions has pitch faced voussoirs…
Grade II

Bridge, 1771/1772 to carry the new turnpike road from Todmorden to Halifax to south west with mid C19 bridge abutting to north east with renewed parapets of that date. 2-spam segmental arches. Oldest portions has pitch faced voussoirs…
Grade II

House, now flat and shop, late C17 with mid C19 and late C20 alterations with added barn late C18. Hammer-dressed stone, stone slate roof. 2 1/2 storeys. L- shaped group. Gable fronts road and has 5-light flat faced mullioned window…
Grade II

House originally known as King's Farm dating from 1657 substantially rebuilt late C19. Known to have been a public house from the mid C18. Dressed stone, stone slate roof. Original house had 2-room front with rear kitchen wing, some…
Grade II

House originally known as King's Farm dating from 1657 substantially rebuilt late C19. Known to have been a public house from the mid C18. Dressed stone, stone slate roof. Original house had 2-room front with rear kitchen wing, some…
Grade II

House originally known as King's Farm dating from 1657 substantially rebuilt late C19. Known to have been a public house from the mid C18. Dressed stone, stone slate roof. Original house had 2-room front with rear kitchen wing, some…
Grade II

House originally known as King's Farm dating from 1657 substantially rebuilt late C19. Known to have been a public house from the mid C18. Dressed stone, stone slate roof. Original house had 2-room front with rear kitchen wing, some…
Grade II

Viaduct 1840, by George Stephenson. Pitch faced stone retaining walls. 3 segmental skewed arches, the heads of the voussoirs aligned to the courses. Roll moulded band in ashlar. Rough dressed parapet. To either side, wide square…
Grade II

House, early C18, linked to late C18 barn by added porch re-using late C17 doorway; now forms a single dwelling. Thin coursed rubble stone with large roughly dressed quoins, tile roof. 3-room plan with left hand projecting wing under…
Grade II

House, early C18, linked to late C18 barn by added porch re-using late C17 doorway; now forms a single dwelling. Thin coursed rubble stone with large roughly dressed quoins, tile roof. 3-room plan with left hand projecting wing under…
Grade II

House, early C18, linked to late C18 barn by added porch re-using late C17 doorway; now forms a single dwelling. Thin coursed rubble stone with large roughly dressed quoins, tile roof. 3-room plan with left hand projecting wing under…
Grade II

House initialled and dated "J M C" with mid C19 alterations and addition with 1 7 6 0 mid C20 addition to rear. Hammer-dressed stone, stone slate roof. 2 storeys. Original house of 2 cells each with doorway with tie-stone jambs and…
Grade II

House initialled and dated "J M C" with mid C19 alterations and addition with 1 7 6 0 mid C20 addition to rear. Hammer-dressed stone, stone slate roof. 2 storeys. Original house of 2 cells each with doorway with tie-stone jambs and…
Grade II

House initialled and dated "J M C" with mid C19 alterations and addition with 1 7 6 0 mid C20 addition to rear. Hammer-dressed stone, stone slate roof. 2 storeys. Original house of 2 cells each with doorway with tie-stone jambs and…
Grade II

House, mid C17.with added early C19 cottage and barn now converted to form a dwelling. Now in2 occupations. Hammer dressed stone, stone slate roof. 2 storeys. C17 dwelling is a cross-wing with plinth, cavetto moulded string course, coped…
Grade II

House, mid C17.with added early C19 cottage and barn now converted to form a dwelling. Now in2 occupations. Hammer dressed stone, stone slate roof. 2 storeys. C17 dwelling is a cross-wing with plinth, cavetto moulded string course, coped…
Grade II

House, mid C17.with added early C19 cottage and barn now converted to form a dwelling. Now in2 occupations. Hammer dressed stone, stone slate roof. 2 storeys. C17 dwelling is a cross-wing with plinth, cavetto moulded string course, coped…
Grade II

House, mid C17.with added early C19 cottage and barn now converted to form a dwelling. Now in2 occupations. Hammer dressed stone, stone slate roof. 2 storeys. C17 dwelling is a cross-wing with plinth, cavetto moulded string course, coped…
Grade II

House, mid C17.with added early C19 cottage and barn now converted to form a dwelling. Now in2 occupations. Hammer dressed stone, stone slate roof. 2 storeys. C17 dwelling is a cross-wing with plinth, cavetto moulded string course, coped…
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