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  • Tags: Hall
Slide 1 - Goldsborough Hall, a venerable house stands in a very romantic region in Yorkshire, in the valley of the Nidd, a river well known for the charm and beauty of its varied scenery.

The house is approached through an arched gateway that…
Slide 2 - The location is an interesting one, and the storm of civil strife has passed over the house, for the sanguinary battle of Marston Moor was fought not far away. The house has undergone many changes in its long history. The East End has been…
Slide 3 - Goldsborough Hall is mentioned in Domesday Book, and before the conquest, a Saxon thane named Merlesuam held the manor. It then came to the De Vescy family by whom it was granted in the 13th Century to the knightly family of Goldsborough,…
Slide 4 - After being held for many generations by the Goldsborough's, their estates passed to the family of Hutton in the forty third year of Elizabeth's reign, AD 1601, and by them was the existing house built, which is late Elizabethan or early…
Slide 5 - From this family, Goldsborough passed through the female line to the family of Byerkey, of whose members there are monuments in the Church.

In the early part of last century (19th) it was purchased by Daniel Lascelles Esq., and from him…
Slide 6 - The changes that have passed over the house, though they have broken its original style, have not diminished the interest, which such a building presents to the enquirer. The illustration on the screen shows the picturesque Entrance Porch…
Slide 7 - Entering by the porch we are conducted inside the house, and shown the Library, a spacious and well-furnished apartment.

The walls are panelled throughout in oak, and the ceiling to the room is decorated with a geometrical design in…
Slide 8 - The kitchen is a spacious apartment. It is fitted up with all the necessary appliances for the efficient catering of the establishment.
At one end is a gallery, supported on two octagonal wooded pillars, with ornamental carved capitals and…
Slide 9 - The oak staircase, plain in its feature, but excellent in its construction, indicates the solidity of the structure and its internal arrangements. The solid upright oak posts supporting the steps and floors are somewhat like, (but not as…
Slide 1 - The very impressive house of Ledston has a dignity and character all its own. It stands on the brow of an elevated ridge overlooking Ledston village and commanding a fine prospect of the valleys of the Aire and Calder, and in an easterly…
Slide 2 - The approach to the House is through an entrance gateway, flanked by twin lodges which are placed at angles.

The entrance gateway is as characteristic as any part of the adjoining building. The gateway and Lodges were erected by Sir John…
Slide 3 - Passing through the Gateway and taking our stand on the grassy mound flanking the carriage drive we obtain a view of the House. The main frontage is set about a hollow quadrangle, and the great size and dignity of the structure mark out…
Slide 4 - In the centre of the facade, facing the quadrangle is the main doorway, reached by a flight of steps of ample proportions and width.
Slide 5 - The grand grouping of the house compels admiration, and the grey stonework lends an impressive character to the severe lines of the edifice while the cool hue of the stone, and the rich green of the foliage is most beautiful.

The south…
Slide 6 - On the east side the laid out grounds and grass terraces graced with numerous spreading trees, add another pleasing feature to the place. In early spring, on many a mossy bank within the confines of the park, primroses are to be found in…
Slide 7 - Under a spreading beech on the grass terrace we obtain another view showing the left wing of the Hall.
Slide 8: The west is perhaps the most attractive where the high terrace commands a fine prospect of the country.

The Witham's held the Manor for three generations and sold it in 1639 to Sir Thomas Wentworth, afterwards Earl of Strafford, who made it…
Slide 9: Sir John Lewis, of Marr, Doncaster, carried on the work which Strafford had begun and completed the house as it stands, laying out gardens, forming the Terraces, and enclosing the park on the north side; and surrounding it with a substantial…
Slide 11: The Terraces are a feature of the place, and were constructed at an enormous cost by Sir John Lewis. He adorned them with a profusion of statuary of which a few specimens still remain.

Sir John Lewis was raised to the Baronetcy in 1660 and…
Slide 12: Having viewed the exterior of the house, let us now enter this ancestral home by the principle door facing the Quadrangle. On entering we pass through a pair of swing doors direct into the Saloon, a spacious apartment, filled with costly…
Slide 13: A door out of the Saloon leads into the Dining Room. The walls are wainscoted in oak formed into large panels. At the end of the room is an arched recess which forms an effective feature. The mantelpiece is a good example of work of the…
Slide 14: A view of the mantelpiece showing it more in detail.
Slide 15: The interior of this fine old Mansion is most interesting, bearing come similarity to Haddon Hall. In the room known as "Lady Betty Hasting's Room" is a fine panelled oaken mantelpiece, bearing the date 1588, and the initials W.W, and E.W.,…
Slide 16: We have referred to the historical associations of this Mansion with the great Earl of Strafford, but locally the place is better known as the home of Lady Elizabeth Hastings daughter of Theopolies seventh Earl of Huntingdon. Here she was…
Slide 17: The earliest remaining portion of the Mansion is to be found in a crypt in the basement of the building, situate under a portion of what is known as "Lady Betty Hastings Room" previously alluded to. The crypt has been converted by the…
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