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  • Date contains "2010s"
The Canalside Saw Mill was for many years the home of Walkley's Clogs.
This is a listed structure ref 1279114 accessed from Eaves Wood Estate This bridge has no vehicular access.
Lumb Mill Bridge was damaged in about 2017 by a lorry . The recent parapet stones indicate the repair which was privately carried out.
The road is Mayroyd Lane which links Station Road to Fairfield. Bottom right is the footpath to the railway station.
To celebrate the 500th anniversary of Hebden Bridge’s packhorse bridge a weekend of events took place in Hebden Bridge on 10th and 11th July 2010. This included music and parades, but the major event was the re-enactment of the Battle of Heptonstall,…
To celebrate the 500th anniversary of Hebden Bridge’s packhorse bridge a weekend of events took place in Hebden Bridge on 10th and 11th July 2010. This included music and parades, but the major event was the re-enactment of the Battle of Heptonstall,…
To celebrate the 500th anniversary of Hebden Bridge’s packhorse bridge a weekend of events took place in Hebden Bridge on 10th and 11th July 2010. This included music and parades, but the major event was the re-enactment of the Battle of Heptonstall,…
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