Browse Items (683 total)

  • Collection: CMBC Listed Buildings - Hebden Royd
Grade II*

Barn. Early C16 timber-framed barn encased in stone, late C16 or early C17 probably contemporary with cross-wing to Lower Hathershelf. Large dressed stone. T-shaped to east. Wide cart entries full height, probably altered. Deeply…
Grade II*

House, late C16 cross-wing with added hall range, cross-wing forming a U-shaped plan with a rear kitchen wing, mid C17. Large dressed stone, stone slate roof. 2 storeys. West wing has double chamfered mullioned windows with cavetto…
Grade II

Tall barn which may have been for carriages, initialled and date "J.F.1851". Large dressed stone, the surface of which is punched within a margin. Slate roof. Basket arched carriage entry has impost blocks and keystone. This is set within…
Grade II

Barn. Initialled and dated "IMFX 1707" but raised, and west end rebuilt C19. Thin coursed rubble unmortared with rough dressed quoins, stone slate roof. North elevation follows road alignment. Square headed cart entry with quoined jambs and…
Grade II

Barn. Initialled and dated "IMFX 1707" but raised, and west end rebuilt C19. Thin coursed rubble unmortared with rough dressed quoins, stone slate roof. North elevation follows road alignment. Square headed cart entry with quoined jambs and…
Grade II

Barn. Initialled and dated "IMFX 1707" but raised, and west end rebuilt C19. Thin coursed rubble unmortared with rough dressed quoins, stone slate roof. North elevation follows road alignment. Square headed cart entry with quoined jambs and…
Grade II

Barn. Initialled and dated "IMFX 1707" but raised, and west end rebuilt C19. Thin coursed rubble unmortared with rough dressed quoins, stone slate roof. North elevation follows road alignment. Square headed cart entry with quoined jambs and…
Grade II

Barn. Early C19. Hammer dressed stone, slate roof. Symmetrical basket arched cart entry has raised rusticated voussoirs with 2-light flat faced mullioned window over with hoodmould. Mistal doorways have ogee lintels and tie stone jambs.…
Garde II

Barn and attached cottage, probably contemporary with house (q.v.), c.1706 with inserted cottage late C18 into one bay of barn. Hammer dressed stone, stone slate roof. 2 storeys. Facade facing house has quoins, 3-light thin flat faced…
Grade II

Barn attached to rear of Little Stubb (q.v.). Mid C17 hammer dressed stone encasing of earlier cruck framed barn, stone slate roof. 1½ aisles T-shaped. Broad gable to north with long sloping roof. Square headed cart entries altered to…
Grade II

Barn, early C17. Hammer dressed stone, stone slate roof. 2 storeys. Double- aisled barn at right angles to C17 farmhouse, Wood Top (q.v.). Quoins. Square headed cart entry with 2 basket arched doorways to mistal and end room to right. Over…
Grade II

Barn, early C17. Hammer dressed stone, stone slate roof. 2 storeys. Double- aisled barn at right angles to C17 farmhouse, Wood Top (q.v.). Quoins. Square headed cart entry with 2 basket arched doorways to mistal and end room to right. Over…
Grade II

Barn, early C17. Hammer dressed stone, stone slate roof. 2 storeys. Double- aisled barn at right angles to C17 farmhouse, Wood Top (q.v.). Quoins. Square headed cart entry with 2 basket arched doorways to mistal and end room to right. Over…
Grade II

Barn, early C17. Hammer dressed stone, stone slate roof. 2 storeys. Double- aisled barn at right angles to C17 farmhouse, Wood Top (q.v.). Quoins. Square headed cart entry with 2 basket arched doorways to mistal and end room to right. Over…
Grade II

Barn. Late C16. Large dressed stone, stone slate roof. 3 bay single-aisled barn. Aisle occupies 2 bays to south side. Coped gables with kneelers and base for finial to apex. Rectangular barn entries with composite jambs and deeply…
Grade II

Barn. Late C16. Large dressed stone, stone slate roof. 3 bay single-aisled barn. Aisle occupies 2 bays to south side. Coped gables with kneelers and base for finial to apex. Rectangular barn entries with composite jambs and deeply…
Grade II

Barn. Late C16. Large dressed stone, stone slate roof. 3 bay single-aisled barn. Aisle occupies 2 bays to south side. Coped gables with kneelers and base for finial to apex. Rectangular barn entries with composite jambs and deeply…
Grade II

Barn. Late C16. Large dressed stone, stone slate roof. 3 bay single-aisled barn. Aisle occupies 2 bays to south side. Coped gables with kneelers and base for finial to apex. Rectangular barn entries with composite jambs and deeply…
Grade II

Barn, probably early C17 in origin, roof raised late C19. Large dressed stone except top courses which are hammer-dressed, stone slate roof. 3 bays. Central cart entry has monolithic lintel inscribed "1 8 W F 9 0" and chamfered surround.…
Grade II

Barn, probably early C17 in origin, roof raised late C19. Large dressed stone except top courses which are hammer-dressed, stone slate roof. 3 bays. Central cart entry has monolithic lintel inscribed "1 8 W F 9 0" and chamfered surround.…
Grade II

Barn. Late C16. Large dressed stone, stone slate roof. 3 bay single-aisled barn. Aisle occupies 2 bays to south side. Coped gables with kneelers and base for finial to apex. Rectangular barn entries with composite jambs and deeply…
Grade II

Barn. Late C16. Large dressed stone, stone slate roof. 3 bay single-aisled barn. Aisle occupies 2 bays to south side. Coped gables with kneelers and base for finial to apex. Rectangular barn entries with composite jambs and deeply…
Grade II

Barn. Dated 1658. Large dressed stone, stone slate roof to aisles, corrugated asbestos sheeting to main range. ii aisled. North front has tall cart entry with heavy monolithic lintel, composite jambs and stop chamfered surround set within…
Grade II

Barn. Dated 1658. Large dressed stone, stone slate roof to aisles, corrugated asbestos sheeting to main range. ii aisled. North front has tall cart entry with heavy monolithic lintel, composite jambs and stop chamfered surround set within…
Grade II

Barn. Dated 1658. Large dressed stone, stone slate roof to aisles, corrugated asbestos sheeting to main range. ii aisled. North front has tall cart entry with heavy monolithic lintel, composite jambs and stop chamfered surround set within…
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