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  • Collection: Historic Homes of Yorkshire collection
Slide 6 - A great feature of the Hall is the oak wainscoting and a rich collection of antique oak furniture, both upstairs and down.

Our picture shows the upper portion of the staircase with its fine old balustrading and wainscotted panelling to the…
Slide 5 - On the right are several specimens of cypresses and a couple of beautiful cedars. On the north side of the Hall is the historic bowling green at which Charles 1 passed five consecutive days in his favourite amusements, while waiting for…
Slide 4 - On the lawn towards the west of the house is a statue in Roman dress of the first Sir Richard Graham commemorating his services in the Royal cause at Edge Hill, where he lay wounded all night.
Slide 3a - The principal entrance to the mansion faces south, through a fine porch, over which are the arms and crest of the Graham family.
Slide 3 - It was Sir Richard Graham who was

'The gallant cavalier,
Who crossed the moat at Markington
When Rupert's call rang clear'

The tradition is that, feeling himself mortally wounded, and finding all was lost at Marston Moor, he…
Slide 2 - The fine old mansion is for the most part Elizabethan, and was the ancient home of the Norton's, famous for their share in the 'Rising of the North' in 1569. They were ardent in the cause of the 'old religion' and of Mary, Queen of Scots.…
Slide 1 - Norton Conyers is situated in an extensive and beautiful park dotted with immense trees. In front of the Hall is a magnificent ash tree.
Slide 31 - Interior of Coxwold church.
This shows the pulpit from which Sterne preached.
Slide 30 - Where author Laurence Sterne lived, worked and wrote 'Tristam Shandy' and 'Sentimental Journeys'
Slide 29 - The village lies a mile from Newburgh priory. Large elm stands in the middle of the roadway. In summer the gardens of the cottages are filled with flowers.
Slide 28 - the Long Gallery Newburgh Hall
The Long Gallery situate in the east wing of the House, contains so many objects of interest that time would fail us to give a full catalogue of them.

Hung in a glass case is the uniform of the 7th…
Slide 27 - Ancient Peg Tankard and Black Jacks.
Among other curios in the Hall are three Black Jacks made of leather to hold ale, from a gallon downwards, to one quart. These date from the time of Cromwell.

In addition to these there is an…
Slide 26 - In the Armoury room, on the first floor of the West Wing of the house, are hung on the walls, a number of old swords, guns, bayonets and pistols etc. dating from the time when Napoleon Bonaparte was proposing to invade England, a the…
Slide 25 - The Library, which we now enter, is a fine apartment with a domed ceiling at one end. The bookshelves are filled with an enchanting collection of olden literature, many of the volumes having come down from the Belsayse's days.

The books…
Slide 24 - There are also to be seen rare and valuable china, and cabinets filled with curios, also portraits of some of the ancestors of the present Baronet.
Slide 23 - Having viewed the principal rooms on the ground floor, we will ascend what is called 'the Stone Staircase' to the first floor. The walls are partially hung with old tapestry.
Slide 22 -The kitchen in which many a succulent monastic dinner has been cooked still remains almost perfect. On one side is an open fire-place, over which hangs on iron brackets and old time smoke-jack or spit.

The ancient windows illuminate an…
Slide 21 - Another view of this room shows the Ionic Pillars and arches over them, which lend dignity to the apartment and greatly enhances its appearance.

The fine and delicately carved mantelpiece, with Chippendale's mirror over it, is another…
Slide 20 - In this room is a Cabinet containing a valuable china Tea service of Worcester ware, which was given to Henry, the last Earl of Fauconberg, by King George the Third. Among other relics in this room, is a pen of Oliver Cromwell.
Slide 19 - The elegant and graceful small drawing room is also hung with interesting but older family portraits and among others is one of George Villiers duke of Buckingham by Van Dyke.
Slide 18- The white Drawing Room is a splendid apartment with a beautiful ceiling and a lovely mantelpiece, above which hangs a portrait of sir George Wombwell, presented to him by his Tenantry in 1859, in recognition of his gallantry in the Crimea,…
Slide 17 - On approaching the Hall from the Village of Clifton, the visitor enters the grounds by a carriage drive leading through a fine avenue of trees until the entrance is reached. In the gates of the latter may be noticed some excellent…
Slide 16 - Like so much at Kirklees, the two old vehicles, pictured on the screen, tell of long descent in one line, of permanent ownership and of the preservation of the odds-and-ends possessions of previous generations.

Very quaint and curious…
Slide 15 - The Dining Room Mantelpiece is a fine example of sculptured and inlaid ornament in marble. The over mantle recently found in another part of the house is now, no doubt, once again in the place for which it was made, as part of a complete…
Slide 14 - Now let us enter by the North Porch, which leads into a passage, and on the right of this we go through a door into the Dining Room. The screen in this room is the finest decorative feature of the house. It dates from the time when a Hall…
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