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  • Collection: Historic Homes of Yorkshire collection
Slide 8 - The three-storied Mantelpiece reaches to the ceiling. It contains the heraldic achievements of the Fairfax shield and crest, also the arms of Queen Elizabeth are high aloft over it. The frieze is decorated with the arms of the gentry of the…
Slide 9 - The finishing touch is given to this fine apartment by the unrivalled display of painted glass in the here great windows. The south window is the richest and best preserved, as every light is painted glass, and in it we find a clue to its…
Slide 2 - The location is an interesting one, and the storm of civil strife has passed over the house, for the sanguinary battle of Marston Moor was fought not far away. The house has undergone many changes in its long history. The East End has been…
Slide 6 - The changes that have passed over the house, though they have broken its original style, have not diminished the interest, which such a building presents to the enquirer. The illustration on the screen shows the picturesque Entrance Porch…
Slide 4 - After being held for many generations by the Goldsborough's, their estates passed to the family of Hutton in the forty third year of Elizabeth's reign, AD 1601, and by them was the existing house built, which is late Elizabethan or early…
Slide 3 - Goldsborough Hall is mentioned in Domesday Book, and before the conquest, a Saxon thane named Merlesuam held the manor. It then came to the De Vescy family by whom it was granted in the 13th Century to the knightly family of Goldsborough,…
Slide 5 - From this family, Goldsborough passed through the female line to the family of Byerkey, of whose members there are monuments in the Church.

In the early part of last century (19th) it was purchased by Daniel Lascelles Esq., and from him…
Slide 1 - Goldsborough Hall, a venerable house stands in a very romantic region in Yorkshire, in the valley of the Nidd, a river well known for the charm and beauty of its varied scenery.

The house is approached through an arched gateway that…
Slide 8 - The kitchen is a spacious apartment. It is fitted up with all the necessary appliances for the efficient catering of the establishment.
At one end is a gallery, supported on two octagonal wooded pillars, with ornamental carved capitals and…
Slide 7 - Entering by the porch we are conducted inside the house, and shown the Library, a spacious and well-furnished apartment.

The walls are panelled throughout in oak, and the ceiling to the room is decorated with a geometrical design in…
Slide 9 - The oak staircase, plain in its feature, but excellent in its construction, indicates the solidity of the structure and its internal arrangements. The solid upright oak posts supporting the steps and floors are somewhat like, (but not as…
Slide 1 - Hazlewood, the old baronial residence of the Vavasours, lies three miles west of Tadcaster in a well wooded park. Domesday Book is the first record of the existence of Hazlewood. It was then a thickly wooded manor, whose sylvan character is…
Slide 2 - These Vavasours were a knightly race going to battles often at Flodden, Newbury, Marston and others. It was Sir Walter Vavasour who at the end of the 18th century last renovated the old ancestral seat, changing it externally into a curious…
Slide 8 - There is a South porch which is old, and over the entrance a statue of Saint Leonard.

One of the chief historic attractions of Hazlewood Castle and one that will sanctify it for the whole of its existence is the fact that from its towers…
Slide 7 - Close to the Castle and nestling under its shadow is the ancient chapel of Saint Leonard.

The present fabric which has replaced a previous structure, was commenced during the reign of Edward the first. The King granted a charter for the…
Slide 6 - The entrance Hall or saloon which we now enter, measures about fifty feet by thirty and is a magnificent apartment. It is a typical example of the classic style of architecture which prevailed in the 18th century.

Above the cornice…
Slide 5 - Hazlewood Castle is not a show place, it is perhaps too antique to be placed in rivalry with modern palaces in point of splendour, but to the sober tastes it need not fear in point of grandeur and dignity. The front of the mansion consists…
The opening lantern slide used by George Hepworth when he gave his lecture on the Historic Homes of Yorkshire to the Hebden Bridge Literary & Scientific Society in 1916.
Slide 2 - Leaving this charming old homestead, we are soon brought to the quiet village of Holme. This peaceful and unpretentious old-world hamlet occupies a secluded position almost in the centre of Cliviger, and in the latter part of the twelfth…
Slide 2 - Sir William Bamburgh was the builder, about 1612, of Howsham Hall, taking the materials for the edifice, it has been said, from the ruins of Kirkham Priory which had fallen into his hands. For this act of sacriledge, these Bamburghs…
Slide 5 - In one of the Bedrooms is a fine four post bedstead carved and draped in the orthodox fashion of bygone days. It is called the 'Duke of York's bed', but for what reason, and on what special occasion it was so named, I am unable to say.
Slide 6: In another bedroom inside the Hall is a fine white marble matelpiece, beautifully carved and of pleasing design. Note the two candle holders on top of the mantelpiece, carved out of the solid marble.
Slide 4 - The house is rich in portraits of the Cholmleys and the Yorkshire families with which they have intermarried.

Amongst other curious relics inside the house is a large model of a warship of the time of Charles the First, fully rigged and…
Slide 3 - Howsham Hall, built in the 'spacious days' of Queen Elizabeth shows the type of building then in vogue, in which men evidently loved the daylight, for its whole front is a wonder of mullioned windows in their leaded panes.

It is a great…
Slide 3a: The porch gives dignity to the front with its round headed doorway, its shields of arms and its coupled fluted columns of Ionic and Corinthian orders. The rooms are flooded with sunlight and the outlook to the woodland surroundings is…
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