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  • Tags: Churches and Chapels
Slide 7 - Close to the Castle and nestling under its shadow is the ancient chapel of Saint Leonard.

The present fabric which has replaced a previous structure, was commenced during the reign of Edward the first. The King granted a charter for the…
Slide 8 - There is a South porch which is old, and over the entrance a statue of Saint Leonard.

One of the chief historic attractions of Hazlewood Castle and one that will sanctify it for the whole of its existence is the fact that from its towers…
Slide 2 - Leaving this charming old homestead, we are soon brought to the quiet village of Holme. This peaceful and unpretentious old-world hamlet occupies a secluded position almost in the centre of Cliviger, and in the latter part of the twelfth…
Slide 8 - On the top of the ridge above the village is Nunnington church, old and grey, with a low square tower, sheltered by a screen of tall fir trees.
Slide 9 - These old scraggy trees, set north and west round the churchyard, gives a weird haunted look to the place.

The church is of Norman date, mentioned in Doomsday and has undergone many alterations. Amongst other monuments in the interior of…
Slide 10 - Attached to the Hall is the Ancient Chapel of St Andrews, commonly called Ribston Hall Chapel, wherein are some memorials of the Templars as well as the Goodricke Family. There are also two memorial tablets to the present family of Dent.…
Slide 10 - Close to the Hall is the interesting old Domesday Church which dates form the Eleventh Century (1086). There is no tower, only a bell turret at the west end. In the interior are numerous tablets of members of the families of Carters,…
The work was dedicated in the spring of 1986 by the Right Reverend David Hope, Bishop of Wakefield, later to become Archbishop of York. He paid tribute to the large number of people who had taken part in the project - organising, planning,…
After they closed the burial chamber and laid the wall foundations, they were able to make good progress on the wall. The old chapel stonework exactly matched the church interior stonework. The craftsmanship in matching the stonework to the existing…
Due to the revelation of an under-floor void, the major interior work of building the new rear wall was not as straightforward as initially thought. Part of the under-floor void proved to be a medieval burial chamber - digging exposed some of the leg…
Due to the revelation of an under-floor void, the major interior work of building the new rear wall was not as straightforward as initially thought. Part of the under-floor void proved to be a medieval burial chamber - digging exposed some of the leg…
The floor of the upper room.
This re-roofing was done around 5 years before the project began. It was a key to making the project viable, without a sound church roof the re-ordering project could not have begun. The re-roofing was necessitated by the storm damage which lifted…
The Vicar's dog Sally was often seen contemplating the work.
The boiler house was re-built to accommodate the previously exposed parts of the unit which were too big for the old boiler house.
This image shows re-cycled stone that was brought in from the demolished Methodist chapel at Mytholmroyd for both interior and exterior work.
This image shows re-cycled stone that was brought in from the demolished Methodist chapel at Mytholmroyd for both interior and exterior work.
After they closed the burial chamber and laid the wall foundations, they were able to make good progress on the wall. The old chapel stonework exactly matched the church interior stonework. The craftsmanship in matching the stonework to the existing…
After they closed the burial chamber and laid the wall foundations, they were able to make good progress on the wall. The old chapel stonework exactly matched the church interior stonework. The craftsmanship in matching the stonework to the existing…
After they closed the burial chamber and laid the wall foundations, they were able to make good progress on the wall. The old chapel stonework exactly matched the church interior stonework. The craftsmanship in matching the stonework to the existing…
After the rear wall was completed, they started working on the 'Upper Room' above, the new foyer.
After they closed the burial chamber and laid the wall foundations, they were able to make good progress on the wall. The old chapel stonework exactly matched the church interior stonework. The craftsmanship in matching the stonework to the existing…
Weddings were a little fraught with one wedding party coming through the west door over boards across the new foyer which was now a building site. Furthermore, the church was diligently cleaned every week-end by Emily Hewitson-Townley assisted by Ann…
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