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  • Collection: Historic Homes of Yorkshire collection
Slide 13: The next Hutton who figures in history was another with the Christian prefix Matthew, who was born at Marske, January 8th 1692, and who entered the Church, and became successively Bishop of Bangor in 1743, Archbishop of York in 1747, and…
Slide 6: The hall is a plain well built stone mansion in the Grecian style, occupying the site of a former house, pulled down in the early part of the 18th century. The mansion is admirably situated on a sheltered slope, amid the most romantic…

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Slide 8: Here is another view of the Hall facing west. In appearance, the edifice is of a plain and substantial character and does not call for any special remarks thereon. We will now enter this ancestral dwelling and are first conducted into the…
Slide 3: At a bend in the road we cross the Swale at Downholme Bridge, opposite to which rises the wooded cliff called Red Scar, from the top of which is another famous view point.

Continuing our way along a tree-shaded lane, we soon reach the…
Slide 2: Passing along at a distance of two miles from Richmond, we arrive opposite to Hudswell, where the road crosses the Swale and runs along the southern bank up the valley. Leaving the road and ascending the hillside on which the village of…
Slide 9: Howsham mill and weir is situated on the Derwent at a point where the river makes a sharp bend, and combines to form a picturesque feature in the landscape, as seen from the high banks above the stream.
Slide 3 - Thomas Viscount Fauconberg. Thomas, his grandson, succeeded as Viscount Fauconberg, who nmarried first, Mildred, daughter of Viscount Castleton, and second, in 1657, Mary, third daughter of Oliver Cromwwell.

There were great national…
Slide 4 - Portrait of Mary, Countess Fauconberg. In the long gallery at Newburgh is a portrait by Sir Godfrey Kneller of Mary, Countess of Fauconberg and daughter of Oliver Cromwell.

After seeing all hopes of the sovereignty continuing in her own…
Slide 27 - Ancient Peg Tankard and Black Jacks.
Among other curios in the Hall are three Black Jacks made of leather to hold ale, from a gallon downwards, to one quart. These date from the time of Cromwell.

In addition to these there is an…
Slide 31 - Interior of Coxwold church.
This shows the pulpit from which Sterne preached.
Slide 18- The white Drawing Room is a splendid apartment with a beautiful ceiling and a lovely mantelpiece, above which hangs a portrait of sir George Wombwell, presented to him by his Tenantry in 1859, in recognition of his gallantry in the Crimea,…
Slide 7 - Probably nowhere in England can be found a better-kept estate than at Newburgh.
As we approach from Coxwold we become aware that unusual care is bestowed on the surroundings. Broad grass borders all well shorn, flank the highway, and there…
Slide 19 - The elegant and graceful small drawing room is also hung with interesting but older family portraits and among others is one of George Villiers duke of Buckingham by Van Dyke.
Slide 8 - The fine avenue, the two lodges, the noble iron gateway, the well trimmed lawns, the finely clipped yews and, indeed all the details, are evidence of the care and skill devoted to the place.

How many times did Laurence Sterne walk along…
Slide 2 - Newburgh was an Augustinian Foundation until the Dissolution of the monasteries when Henry V111 granted the property to Anthony Belsayse, his Chaplain and so the Priory became a Baronial residence. He soon after gave the estates to his…
Slide 10 - What could be more beautiful than the rare and radiant floral display of the south front, where multitudes of flowers gleam in their splendor, grouped with the well clipped yew, the noble ornamental bay-trees in tubs and boxes, the fine…
Slide 11 - Upon such a garden all will look with satisfaction, but let them reflect that the tireless hand maintains it in its perfection. All is controlled and directed by skillful and experienced hands. The great rounded structural bays to the…
Slide 28 - the Long Gallery Newburgh Hall
The Long Gallery situate in the east wing of the House, contains so many objects of interest that time would fail us to give a full catalogue of them.

Hung in a glass case is the uniform of the 7th…
Slide 21 - Another view of this room shows the Ionic Pillars and arches over them, which lend dignity to the apartment and greatly enhances its appearance.

The fine and delicately carved mantelpiece, with Chippendale's mirror over it, is another…
Slide 1 - The Priory is sheltered by the Hambleton hills and is situated a short distance from Coxwold village. The building displays the architectural tastes of successive periods.
Slide 5 - On the right are several specimens of cypresses and a couple of beautiful cedars. On the north side of the Hall is the historic bowling green at which Charles 1 passed five consecutive days in his favourite amusements, while waiting for…
Slide 10 - The woods surrounding the park are very fine and afford many a shady walk along a woodland path by the bank of the river Ure, which skirts the park for a considerable distance.
Slide 3a - The principal entrance to the mansion faces south, through a fine porch, over which are the arms and crest of the Graham family.
Slide 9 - The splendid 18th century ironwork of the entrance gates to the gardens are good specimens of the period both in design and craftsmanship.
Slide 2 - The fine old mansion is for the most part Elizabethan, and was the ancient home of the Norton's, famous for their share in the 'Rising of the North' in 1569. They were ardent in the cause of the 'old religion' and of Mary, Queen of Scots.…
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