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  • Tags: Hall
Slide 19: Taking our last look at Ledston Hall showing the South East wing from the Quadrangle, we pass through the Entrance Gates, but before leaving turn to the left.

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Slide 20: and have a peep at the Stable Court through one of the entrance gateways which gives a rather picturesque grouping with the Stable buildings in the background.

Concerning Ledston Hall, the reflection forces itself upon us, that the County…

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Slide 1 - Doubtless there was once a fitting approach to Markenfield, but at present it lies, hidden from sight, a good mile off the Harrogate and Ripon main road, amidst pleasant meadows, and one wanders up and down amid amaze of gates and sheep…
Slide 2 - Admitting to a great quadrangle encompassed by a broad and placid moat, and composed of out buildings, that stretch as outliers to the main block, which forms an L shaped building at the north-east corner of the court.

In this wide…
Slide 3 - Markenfield lies three miles from Ripon, and it was in Ripon Minster that its lords were entombed.

It was in the chantry of Saint Andrew's in the aisle of the north transept that was the family burial place, and here yet stands a fine…
Slide 4 - The Hall, or house proper is at the north-east angle. The house consisted of an undercroft, and above this is a storey containing the chief rooms, such as the Hall, Solar and Chapel rising up to the roof. To the right of this are a pair of…
Slide 5 - The Hall and the moat from the East. Note the east window of the Chapel, which is a fine geometrical one of three lights.
Slide 6 - This view shows the two light transom windows with arched heads which light the Banqueting Hall on the north side. Between them rises a chimney stack, with ornamental cresting on the summit. This only served the room in the undercroft, now…
Slide 7 - The kitchen is most picturesque with its great fire-arch, its deeply recessed windows, its old fashioned furniture, and its well kept and well furnished dresser.
Slide 8 - It was Mr Robert Foster, the tenant who occupied the Hall and 500 acre adjoining farm, who allowed Mr George Hepworth to photograph both inside and outside this interesting building.
Slide 9 - Ascending the modern internal wooden staircase, we enter the old Banqueting Hall. The walls of this room are covered with paintings, mostly portraits of the ancestors of members of the Grantly family, the present owners of the…
Slide 10 - To the right is an aumbry and a piscine. The photograph of the latter show the Markenfield arms surrounded by an oak spray, while above is a crocketted canopy, of 15th century character.
Slide 11 - The Markenfield arms are also to be found on the terminal of the label mould of a doorway on the eastern range of buildings facing the courtyard.

On the whole the spirit of medieval times seems to brood over the exterior of Markenfield,…
Slide 4: Facing it is a fine lime tree avenue, a portion of which we shew. The situation of Marske is strikingly picturesque at any season, but especially so when the glorious summer sunshine floods the verdant slopes, towering scars, and…
Slide 5: At the end of the avenue are the entrance gates facing the carriage drive leading to the Hall. It consists of a centre carriage way with an arched gateway on each side.
Slide 6: The hall is a plain well built stone mansion in the Grecian style, occupying the site of a former house, pulled down in the early part of the 18th century. The mansion is admirably situated on a sheltered slope, amid the most romantic…

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Slide 7: The gardens adjoining the Hall are beautifully kept and contain many choice varieties of trees, among which is a fine specimen of silver fir of great size and luxuriance. A stream called Marske beck passes through the grounds. This has…

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Slide 8: Here is another view of the Hall facing west. In appearance, the edifice is of a plain and substantial character and does not call for any special remarks thereon. We will now enter this ancestral dwelling and are first conducted into the…
Slide 9: It is a fine apartment, and very characteristic of the period at which it was built, namely the early part of the 18th century. The furniture in the room has a substantial and homely character about it. Over the mantle-piece are the arms…
Slide 10: The house is rich in family portraits, one of which is seen over the sideboard at the end of the Dining room, and is a portrait of John Hutton, died 1782. Note also the peculiar weight clock in an upright oak case, standing on three claw…
Slide 11: Marske owes its splendid library of books to Mr John Hutton, who died in 1863, aged 84. A view of the room in which the books are stored is now shown. Over the mantle-piece hangs a portrait of Matthew Hutton, who formed the destinies of…
Slide 12: He died at York, January 16th 1605, and was buried in the south choir aisle of the Minster, where a handsome monument commemorates his extraordinary and fruitful life.
Slide 13: The next Hutton who figures in history was another with the Christian prefix Matthew, who was born at Marske, January 8th 1692, and who entered the Church, and became successively Bishop of Bangor in 1743, Archbishop of York in 1747, and…
Slide 14 - In the Drawing Room, which we now enter, is a somewhat florid example of an 18th century mantelpiece in various coloured marbles. Over this is a painting which according to an accompanying tablet states it is a portrait of the Honourable…
Slide 1 - The Priory is sheltered by the Hambleton hills and is situated a short distance from Coxwold village. The building displays the architectural tastes of successive periods.
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