16. A Sense of Occasion

Whatever the occasion, a procession almost always formed part of the celebration. The signing of the Charter of Incorporation in July 1896 was followed by a celebration in August. The entire town and every shop was decorated, whilst every trade, every workplace or organisation took part in a grand procession. Similarly, a Mayoral Procession complete with full Council and representatives of every organisation took, and still takes place on the Sunday following the Mayor Making Ceremony. The annual procession of the Bank of Hope Union was another event which entertained the crowds. Lord Sanger and his circus excited the children with their pre-opening parade, but the "Life Boat Saturday" drew the largest crowds. July 7th 1906 was perhaps the day when the largest crowd ever turned out to see the lifeboat complete with crew, pulled by six stalwart horses. The crowds were six deep along the streets as they watched a procession of trade exhibits, floats and topical items such as 'Votes for Women' and 'Todmorden Corporation Motor Bus'.

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16. A Sense of Occasion