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  • Date contains "1960s"
The chimney is at Bankfoot Mill although positioned about 100yds up the hill behind the Mill. The flue was built on the slope, from the boiler to the base of the chimney through the wood. It was a very unusual method of constructing a chimney, taking…
The Mayor, Eunice Shaw, visits the fair at Vale Baptist Church, Cornholme.
L to R: William Shaw, Bernard Shaw, Mayor Eunice Shaw (hidden) Mayor of Halifax Alderman J. Liley, Mayoress of Halifax, Mrs I Liley.
Possibly discussing the demolition of the hall and if there was an alternative. Third from left is Michael Newton and next to him is David Fletcher. The man with his back to camera is Mr Oakes - retired local headmaster.
David Fletcher 1968 anuual clean up of Hebden Water through Hebden Bridge.
CLARK BRIDGE crosses the Hebble Brook below Halifax Parish Church. Watson wrote in 1775 that this bridge ‘seems to have been first built by the clergy, or clerks, for the convenience of passing from the church, either to their habitations, or some…
The junction of Cragg Road, New Road and Scout Road. The houses of Royal Fold are on the right.
The big chimney is Thornber's, when it was demolished it was taken down brick by brick.
CLIFTON BRIDGE carries the road from Brighouse over Clifton Beck and is mentioned at least three times in the West riding Quarter Sessions Records. In 1445 is the entry ‘Brighouse tenants to repair the way between Brighouse and Clifton brig.’ The…
Pre-Grouping in 1923 this was the GNR Goods Station in Bradford then becoming the LNER's.
James Watson Ltd. Weavers of cotton sateens, twills and similar fabrics, 1960.
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