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  • Tags: 1960s
The White Horse Hotel was an inn at least since 1851, although Barry Ledgard tells us that a licensee of the White Horse Inn, William Jackson, was charged with running a stage carriage without a licence, every Market day, to Halifax, and was caught…
Coming out of Cornholme Methodist Church, probably after the Sunday School Queen's service. Janet Bairstow, Mona Reldif, Sheila Marshall, Annie Stansfield, Hilda Dawson
The Mayor, Councillor Eunice Shaw performed the ceremony. The queen is Kathryn Lord, right is the retiring Queen, Janet Brierly. Attendants are Christine Kidd nee Crowther and Anne Bairstow, and front row Ann Veevers and Barbara Anderton.

Queen is Freda Whittaker, big attendants are Janet ? and Patricia Boyle

Queen Marilyn Wadsworth. Attendants in blue: Janet Hodkinson, Sandra Walker. In front is the retiring Queen, Pauline Lord, and just in the shot is Jeffrey Fowler. Mayor is Harold Powell.

Pictured on Brown Birks Street.

Scenes from the Bible, organised by Mothers of Salem, the ladies of the church. Information provided by Helen Ranton, nee Waterworth, who is the little girl in the centre of the front row. Also included are Doris Horner, Philip and Gwen Shackleton,…
The chimney of Calder Mill can be seen prominently on the left. Part of the Hebden Bridge Local History Society Archive
The steps, which are still there, lead from Bridge Lanes up to the now demolished High Street. There used to be a small stream that ran down the hillside which was also known as the cuckoo.
A warren of tenements Buttress Brink was declared unfit for human habitation and demolished in 1967.
The gentleman standing in the archway is Hebden Royd UDC Surveyor, Mr Moyse. The tenements on Old Gate at the bottom of the Buttress were demolished in 1967 as being unfit for human habitation.
Taken just before Buttress Brink on the left was demolished. The building far right is now the site of the Hebden Bridge Health Centre, used by Social Services, not to be confused with Valley Medical Centre on Valley Road. The medical centre did move…
Location not known.
For several years the Calder Civic Trust organised an annual clean-up of Hebden Water in Hebden Bridge. Viewed here from under the Old Bridge with St Georges Bridge top right.
The Civic Trust's annual river clean-up in the town centre seen here from Old Bridge looking towards St George's Bridge.
Enjoying their coffee break are Hilda Pickles, Anne Woodworth, Nellie Preston, Lyn Jeffery, Marian Lord, Elizabeth Cell, Mary Critchley, Anne Cheatmam and Gwen Toothill.
Our Man at Large was a Calder Civic Trust project, c1970, the aim of which was to draw attention to squalid places and litter which detracted from the attractions of the area, by using the contrast between the smartly dressed gentleman and the…
Calder Civic Trust annual river clean-up in Hebden Bridge. Can you identify any of these young volunteers?
Douglas Houghton, M.P., at the opening of Park Fold Wood.

Douglas Houghton, (11 August 1898 – 2 May 1996) was a British Labour politician. He was the last British Cabinet minister born in the 19th century.

Houghton was a great believer in…
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