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  • Tags: River
Flood damage to the mill. Not a textile mill but a flour mill on Bridge Lanes, today the site of the Day Centre and car park. Photo taken late 1800s. From a stereographic photo.
This picture shows the proximity of the River Calder and the Rochdale Canal at this point. From a Geoff Boswell calendar, 2004.
Featured in the Geoff Boswell Calendar of 2004.
Slide 4 - The Aire, which makes a bend in front of the Hall, was in pre-mercantile days especially famous for the size and quality of its fish, and fine sport was obtainable in the river bordering Esholt Park.
Slide 1: Swale Dale proper may be said to start from Richmond. In romantic beauty it can hold its own with any other Yorkshire dale. The river being more confined between steep banks, rushes through rocky ravines and over high precipices and thus…
Slide 3: At a bend in the road we cross the Swale at Downholme Bridge, opposite to which rises the wooded cliff called Red Scar, from the top of which is another famous view point.

Continuing our way along a tree-shaded lane, we soon reach the…
Slide 8: The River Derwent skirts the boundary of the park for a considerable distance. A striking feature of the river scenery in this vicinity are the tall reeds growing on the margin of the water. Some of these I measured were quite six feet in…
Slide 9: Howsham mill and weir is situated on the Derwent at a point where the river makes a sharp bend, and combines to form a picturesque feature in the landscape, as seen from the high banks above the stream.
Slide 10 - The woods surrounding the park are very fine and afford many a shady walk along a woodland path by the bank of the river Ure, which skirts the park for a considerable distance.
Slide 2 - The road descends steeply to the village. The quaint looking houses are perched on the high grassy banks on either side, and before us at the foot of the descent is the Rye with its wooded foot bridge and far-off line of hills
Slide 14 - Leaving the Church we descend the hill leading to the village, and note the elegant bridges which span the canal and River Don at this point. These bridges were erected about the year 1845 by the Copley family, and took the place of an…

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Slide 16 - On the opposite side of the river stood an old mill used for grinding flints. This mill has since been pulled down.

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Slide 18 - Another photograph shows where 'Upon a promontory small, the water mill juts out' which bears on one of the gables the Arms of the Copley's dates 1653, and on the keystone of the doorway is the date 1748. Opposite the mill on the rivers…

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Slide 19 - Choice bits of landscape and river scenery meets ones eyes in every direction in this sequestered vale but we cannot stay longer to enjoy its beauties,...

Slide 21 - This is the last slide, there is no caption.

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Are these people just watching the spectacle or are they stranded waiting for the water to recede? The buildings with roof vents are part of Thornber's hatchery.
Old Fire Station and Council Offices. Used as an illustration in Gertrude Attwood's book "A Village Childhood"
Showing Princes Bridge over Hebden Water and behind it the rear of the buildings on Valley Road.
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