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  • Subject contains "Todmorden"
  • AND Subject contains "church"
Looking down the nave from the chancel. Taken prior to the re-ordering of the church which took place in the early 1990s.
Rerodos, behind the High Altar, showing the Last Supper it was erected in memory of the Rev. William Augustus Conway who was Vicar from 1876 to 1883. The inscription notes that it was erected by his daughter.
Looking up the Nave to the Sanctuary and East Window.
Christ Church built in1830-32 was one of the 'Million Pound’, or Commissioner’s, churches and came to replace St Mary’s as the Parish Church, although the town remained in Rochdale Parish until…
Murals to the left of the High Altar.
Christ Church built in1830-32 was one of the 'Million Pound’, or Commissioner’s, churches and came to replace St Mary’s as the Parish Church, although the town remained in Rochdale Parish until 1866. By the…
Looking down the nave from the Chancel. Christ Church built in1830-32 was one of the 'Million Pound’, or Commissioner’s, churches and came to replace St Mary’s as the Parish Church, although the town remained in Rochdale Parish until 1866. By the…
Murals to the right of the High Altar.
Christ Church built in1830-32 was one of the 'Million Pound’, or Commissioner’s, churches and came to replace St Mary’s as the Parish Church, although the town remained in Rochdale Parish until 1866. By the…
All Saints Church, Harley Wood, Lydgate opened 1858 and was demolished in 1975 following closure.
Engraving by J Shore c.1855. Looking up from Stubbing Holme where the Colden Water joins the River Calder, the 'mytholm'. Above is Mytholm Hall, St James Parish Church and above that Eaves Lower and Upper Mills and to the right Bankfoot Mill, now the…
Top right Harley Wood Church opened 1858 and demolished in 1975. The building in the foreground believed to be Lineholme Baptist Chapel which closed in 1962 and was subsequently demolished.
All Saints Church, Harley Wood, Lydgate opened 1858 and was demolished in 1975 following closure.
The large building just right of centre was York Street Chapel which was demolished in 1962 and the site is now a garden.
This picture was taken by Thomas Greenlees from outside his shop in Church Street, Todmorden, in December 1923. Being a saddler by trade, he was probably more interested in the well-turned horses than the hearse, indeed, he probably supplied the…
An unusual name but as with those of many non-conformist chapels it comes from the Bible and in this case the book of Genesis where it meant a place of flourishing. The congregation were descended from the 18th century Rodwell End Meeting House and…
Arrangements at Christ Church, Todmorden, for Mayor's civic service
Arrangements at Christ Church, Todmorden, for Mayor's civic service
Building the new retaining wall on Fielden Wharf, Todmorden
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