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  • Tags: Drawing
Used as an illustration in Gertrude Attwood's book"A Village Childhood"
PH/25. The sketch and description are from The Calderdale Sketch Book by J. L. Berbiers, published in 1973 by The Halifax Courier Ltd. Strange how quickly attitudes change
The sketch and description are from The Calderdale Sketch Book by J. L. Berbiers, published in 1973 by The Halifax Courier Ltd.

Architect Ian Nairn described the famous top-and
The sketch and description were originally published in The Halifax Courier in 1912-1913.

Near Hill House lane. It as a fine old homestead, charming in its appearance of antiquity and beautifully situated. Small leaded windows are set in its…
PH16. 1979 Halifax Calendar. Previously the Hanover Chapel it is now used by the Halifax Thespians.
PH15. 1969 calendar. Demolished in 1967 it was described as possibly the only complete example in Halifax of a terrace in the Regency style. The Regency influence was confined to the arch over the doorway, though the windows were originally small…
The sketch and description were originally published in The Halifax Courier in 1912-1913.

The fact that most local townships have a Great House lends confirmation to the idea that at some time they were used as minor manor homes. The Midgley…
The sketch and description were originally published in The Halifax Courier in 1912-1913.

In past years the home was solely occupied by a wealthy and influential clothier or yeoman, but today the building is split up into a farmhouse and a number…
The sketch and description were originally published in The Halifax Courier in 1912-1913.

Now used as a farm house. It was fitted up after the death in 1724 of Mr John Wheelwright, the founder of Rishworth Grammar School, as a boarding house…
The sketch and description were originally published in The Halifax Courier in 1912-1913.

Field House, the old home of the Stansfield family, occupies a commanding site overlooking Triangle and is one of the most imposing mansions around…
The sketch and description are from The Calderdale Sketch Book by J. L. Berbiers, published in 1973 by The Halifax Courier Ltd.

PH/25. The sketch and description are from The Calderdale Sketch Book by J. L. Berbiers, published in 1973 by The Halifax Courier Ltd.

Though a personification of Victorian solidity and respectability worthy of accommodating the most…
The sketch and description are from The Calderdale Sketch Book by J. L. Berbiers, published in 1973 by The Halifax Courier Ltd.

The Elim church in Hall Street, Halifax which succeeded the former building in Bond Street incorporates many striking…
1969 calendar. Claremount, Halifax is a scene typical of the area known as Beaumont Town - 19th century cottage property with setted highway and flagged pavements. At the fall of the slope is St Thomas's School. PH15.
The town is looking very elegant. St Mary's church is left of centre, with Cross Stone church on the skyline.
Drawing of Buttress Brink by W. Shepherd
The sketch and description were originally published in The Halifax Courier in 1912-1913. The sketch gives the north view of the hall.

With its old-fashioned gateway and courtyard it has still on this side much the same appearance it had when…
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