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  • Date contains "1910s"
Halifax Corporation tram in May 1911 just prior to the Hebden Urban District Council road widening improvements. Not much shelter from the elements for the driver. Commercial Street going off to the right.
Road improvements, view before widening. Note the cobbled road with tram lines and power lines above. The Halifax Corporation trams reached Hebden Bridge in 191/2 and ceased in 1936.
Postcard with August 1915 postmark. Along the bottom are the terraced houses on Calder Bank, now long demolished, and to their left the small two storey Hebble End Dyeworks later enlarged and now (2015) apartments
Mule Spinners at Pioneer Mill, Walsden c1912 - The mill was built by the Pioneer Mill Company which had been formed to celebrate the jubilee of the Walsden Co-operative Society. The corner stone of the new mill (actually named 'Jubilee' Mill) was…
Mytholm, looking up the Colden Valley. Mytholm Hall can be seen to the right of the photo, behind it stands the Parish Church of St James the Great. Eaves Mills can be seen beyond the church. On the left of the picture is Mytholm Mill.
The arch was erected as part of the celebrations marking the Coronation of King George V and Queen Mary in 1911. On this side it was lit by electricity and on the other side by gas.
The arch was erected as part of the celebrations marking the Coronation of King George V and Queen Mary in 1911. On this side it was lit by gas and on the other side by electricity.
On the 21st of June, 1912, the 2.45 from Rochdale and Liverpool approached the infamous Charlestown curve at about 40 miles per hour and left the line, killing four passengers.

Although off the rails, the train was carried for a further 100 yards…
Photo taken 12th October 1940 and presented to Captain Whitely on his retirement. He served for 26 years from March 1914 until 30th September 1940.

Back row L - R: Raymond Greenwood, Joseph Robbin, Superintendent Herbert Hitchen, Joe Lawless, James…
Born in Leeds 22/3/1882, died 9/10/1919 at Passchendaele.
Born in Leeds 22/3/1882, died 9/10/1919 at Passchendaele.
22nd Manchester Regiment. Clarance is 4th from right on next to back row. Probably dated 1916 outside army hut before leaving with B.E.F. for France
John with Margaret Mahony nee O'Rourke, 1873 - 1944, with daughter Margaret (Peggy) 1914 – 1993.
Letter from Clarance Holt to his youngest son, Derrick, on his 8th Birthday 1st July 1917.

Derrick's handwriting, the envelope contained the last letter he received from his father. Derrick was 8 years old on 1st July 1917 and his father, Clarance, was killed at Passchendaele 9th October that year.

Postcard from Clarance Holt, June 1917

Claude Served with the Kings Royal Rifle Corps in the first world war. He is in uniform here so this was possibly taken in about 1915. He would have been 18 in 1915 and Gladys would have been 21 and Monica 15.
Following the outbreak of the First World War in 1914 women were recruited to do many jobs previously done by men. Seen here a team of carriage cleaners posing for the camera at Sowerby Bridge Depot.
Looking up the line. The buildings in the background were stores for wood, used in the manufacture of bobbins by Wilson Bros of Cornholme.
A view across the 'New' shed at Waterside in 1912. Interior of the large weaving shed at Waterside in 1912. It is now the site of the Morrisons Supermarket.
Joshua Smith's winding room - A view of the winding room at Joshua Smith's Frostholme Mill, in Cornholme, 1913. The firm of Joshua Smith's ran the mill from 1882 until well into the 1950s, at one time employing over 700 people in the production of…
Greenlees Saddlers 1912 - Thomas William Greenlees, standing on the left, with his assistant Mr Taylor, took over the family business at 13 Church Street when his uncle, Anthony Greenlees, died in 1910. His work making and repairing harnesses and…
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