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Mabel' passing 'Ellen' at Derdale. All the Rochdale Canal Company boats were named after women or flowers. In this photograph, flour from Stansfield Corn Mill is being hoisted into the barge.
Mons Mill, Todmorden was a cotton spinning mill in Todmorden, Calderdale, West Yorkshire for the Hare Spinning Company Limited. It was built in 1907, but ran into financial difficulties. It passed over to the Mons Mill (1919) Co Ltd and then was…
1904/05 and a busy industrial scene, looking east towards Todmorden. To the right can be seen a section of the long, low viaduct, and further in the distance the bow string bridge with its castellated abutments. In the centre foreground is the…
Undated postcard. One of four sets of stepping stones at Hardcastle Crags three of which are still useable when the river is low. The Pavilion Tearoom, about 250 metres downstream from Gibson Mill on the opposite bank of the river, was one of…
The original Nutclough Mill building was built in the late 1700s.
This section of the mill was demolished in 1914.
On the left is the Hole in the Wall and next to it the chimney of Hebden Bridge Mill. The building partly visible on the far right has now been demolished. Postcard.
Viewed from West End Bridge, Old Gate is to the left, the chimney of Bridge Mill is in the centre of the picture. The bridge was scheduled as an ancient monument in 1932
Viewed from West End Bridge, Old Gate is to the left, the chimney of Bridge Mill is in the centre of the picture.
Heavy-lifting machinery in the new Crescent Street premises.
Heavy-lifting machinery in the new Crescent Street premises.
Bbottom left the roof of Midgehole Upper Mill (Dyeworks) and just discernible in the centre is New Bridge Mill.
Midgehole Lower Mill is on the left and Midgehole Upper Mill, later the Dye Works on the right. Just discernible in the centre distance is New Bridge Mill.
Towards the centre Lee Mill and chimney and left ofit the chimneys of Upper and Lower Midgehole Mills.
Right of centre the chimneys of Midgehole Upper and Lower Mills just discernible. Right of centre on the hilltop is Pecket Well.
Bridge over Hebden Water at Gibson Mill in Hardcastle Crags, Hebden Bridge.
More or less in the centre the 'new' Birchcliffe Baptist Chapel in course of construction with the old Chapel above it to the left. Lower centre Nutclough Mill with part of Hangingroyd Mill and Hebden Works below.

Hebden Bridge's famous…
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