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  • Subject contains "Hebden Bridge"
  • AND Subject contains "church"
Hebden Bridge's Parish Church situated out of the town to the west at Mytholm. One of the so called 'million pound' churches it was built on land donated by the Rev. John Armytage Rhodes of adjacent Mytholm Hall. it was consecrated in 1933.
Looking across over Pallis House, centre bottom, with St Thomas RC Church and presbytery next to it. Date unknown but not a car to be seen but what appear to be open top trams on New Road which would date it pre- First World War.
Town view from beside Zion Chapel on Osborne Street with in the foreground buildings on Union Street and below that houses on both sides of Commercial Street, demolished mid-1960s. On the left near the top is Hope Baptist Chapel on New Road
The houses on the right are Cliffe Royd and to their left terraced houses on Blenheim Street. Heptonstall Road climbing up to the village.
Viewed from Keighley Road over the north light roof of Hebden Works, now partly demolished. To the right above the north lights is part of Hangingroyd Mill with another part across the river to its left, now the site of Waterside Fold. To the right…
A Particular Baptists Chapel was established here in about 1750 and the present building dates from1859/60 and is Grade ii listed. It closed in 2001 and is now in the hands of the Historic Chapels Trust and is used for various events such as…
Date unknown but after 1969 when the station warehouse was demolished following fire damage.
David Fletcher giving a talk at the Birchcliffe Centre in the upper floor of the chapel after its first conversion to form a community space. The Birchcliffe Centre received a Heritage Lottery grant to improve the facilities of this upper floor which…
The former Ebenezer Chapel on Market Street, Hebden Bridge. The Latin inscription on the sun dial reads "What thou seekest is a shadow". The Hebden Bridge Times moved out many years ago to Crown Street and now no longer have an office in the town!
More or less in the centre the 'new' Birchcliffe Baptist Chapel in course of construction with the old Chapel above it to the left. Lower centre Nutclough Mill with part of Hangingroyd Mill and Hebden Works below.

Hebden Bridge's famous…
Lower left Foster Mill with Hangingroyd Mill, Hebden Works and Nutclough Mill and Hebden Water in the centre. Top left the old Bircliffe Chapel with Birchcliffe Road/Wadsworth Lane climbing the hillside.
Mytholm Hall had been demolished to make way for the apartments seen here, Hebden Bridge Parish Church of St James the Great is behind.
Mytholm Hall had been demolished to make way for the apartments seen here, Hebden Bridge Parish Church of St James the Great is behind.
Picture taken before the Salem Methodist Church (left of centre) was demolished. The large building to the left is Melbourne Mill and just behind can be seen the former Neptune Inn.
Salem Methodist Church is on the right long demolished and replaced with a smaller chapel and meeting room.
Market Street, Hebden Bridge. The former Ebenezer Chapel. Now a gallery and the Hebden Bridge Times no longer has a presence in the town! See it now. The following text is taken from Looking Back at Hebden Bridge by Frank Horsfall & Terry Wyke…
The new Methodist Sunday School is in the process of being built with Salem Chapel to its left. The large building to the left is Melbourne Mill prior to its demolition (illegally, at 6 am on a Sunday morning without planning consent) to make way…
Looking down from Hell hole Rocks on to the road going up Mytholm Steeps. The parish church of St James is in the foreground and with the sheltered housing of Mytholm Court to the left of it, and then Brown's engineering works.
The Parish Church of Hebden Bridge, dedicated to St James the Great, was consecrated in 1833. The church was built on land given by the Revd. James Armitage Rhodes and his wife Mary, who lived at nearby Mytholm Hall.

One of the Mytholm silk mills…
Looking over to Heptonstall Road with Heptonstall Church on the skyline. Early 20th century prior to building of Riverside School in 1909.
The Foster Lane chapel opened in 1904 and was closed and demolished in the mid-1960s. On the hillside top left is Cross Lanes United Methodist Chapel which had opened in 1840 but that too closed and was demolished in the 1960s. To the right is Foster…
Looking up the valley from above St James' Church. In the distance Calderside Mill and Whiteley Arches.
Looking up Colden Clough. Above St James' Church Upper and Lower Eaves Mills, below the church Mytholm Hall and to the left Pickles, which became Brown's, engineering works.
View over the town from Fairfield looking up Hebden Dale about 1900. Bottom centre St Thomas' Catholic Church and next to it Pallis House.
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